Street art painting on the Butte aux Cailles
The artist has recently produced a colorful street art painting of Joan of Arc in the Butte-aux-Cailles district.
This one is located in Paris in the heart of the 13th arrondissement, the Butte aux Cailles is not lacking in charm with its cobbled streets, its dead ends where you can discover city pavilions and several artists' studios.
La Butte-aux-Cailles is also famous for delighting Parisian street art lovers because this district is full of urban art.

The artist making the street art painting of Joan of Arc
The artist chose to represent in painting the famous Joan of Arc who is a French national heroine.
Qualified as a patriotic heroine and Catholic saint, Joan of Arc is known for having liberated France not without courage from the English and also for her tragic and poignant destiny.

This street art work was made with several mixed techniques, in particular using aerosol cans, stencils, collage (painting on paper made upstream in the workshop).
The urban collage has been covered with a double layer varnish for durability and shine.

This colorful street art painting is located in the 13th arrondissement in a pretty cobbled alley called Passage Sigaud.